Monday, February 14, 2011

The Alien Argument

Today, for some odd reason, the topic of aliens popped into my head, like many thoughts do at random. I began to think back on all the times I had gotten into debates over the possibility of aliens existing and I still can't believe how close minded we as humans really are. So many of us don't believe in extra terrestrials and many that do simply believe it because they think it's funny to argue a seemingly idiotic idea. My point is, even those who pretend to believe, deep down, don’t. But why shouldn't we believe? Are we as humans so naïve to think that we are the only forms of intelligence in the entire universe? The content of space is too great to even fathom. Imagine you are looking at the night sky. Each of those tiny twinkling stars is another solar systems that contains who knows how many planets. We can't even reach the planet next to our let alone other solar systems. And who knows… perhaps there are other galaxies beyond our own. These mysteries of space are so vast that even with the most advanced technology we won't be able to decipher them. With this vast region of space, there must be other planets with intelligent life forms. What makes us so special? I suppose it's simply the human ego coming out in all of us to think that only we are deserving. Typical…

1 comment:

  1. All this work to create a website and you forgot spelling and grammar?
