Monday, October 31, 2011

How Old is Too Old?

            Halloween has a always been a much celebrated holiday filled with creative costumes, spooky decorations, and kids far too hyped on candy.  What isn't to love about it?
            As children, we spent the weeks preceding Halloween delicately planning the special night: preparing the perfect costume, mapping out routes to the best candy houses and deciding which of our friends and family we wanted to scare.  That one frivolous night with friends and family was something we looked forward to all year long.
            Then at some point in our lives, we realized trekking these miles in search of candy wasn't really worth it and we gave up the jocular evening.  As the years passed, we  began to pass Halloween off as "kid stuff" and many consider high school students, like ourselves, to be "too old" to go trick-or-treating.  Too old?  Since when has there been an age limit on fun?
            Granted, some teens still posses the self confidence to step out on the streets in a hilarious outfit on a quest to get candy.  However, the majority of teens feel awkward doing such things and subject themselves to the peer pressure of high school; a pressure which drives us to be popular and cool.  These two words seem to be a major problem with society today.  Those two elusive statuses should not be worth the sacrifice of fun.
            However, we are not the only guilty party. Teenagers are not the only ones who place age restrictions on the holiday.  Adults also consider us to be too old to involve ourselves in such immature events.  They discourage teens from going out and trick-or-treating.  This idea is based on the stereotype that teenagers will only get into trouble.  Some cities have actually imposed bans on children over the age of 12 going trick or treating.
            However, many don't seem to understand the concept that trick-or-treating gives teens something harmless to do.  Is it really a city's place to take away our childhood tradition?
           So I say, get out there!  Show your creative side and make your own costume (unless you really want to go as a slutty fairy).
   Come on, do you really want to look like this?                                Seriously, this is way cooler.

Go door to door with your friends gathering candy from generous neighbors. With adulthood and the pressures that go with it bearing down upon us, we must remember to enjoy the "childish" things in life while we can.  Hang on to those blissful childhood traditions and retain that playful spirit in life.  Adulthood is forever, but childhood is only temporary.