Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Grocery Shopping + Hunger = Bad

Today I went grocery shopping and came to a conclusion. Grocery shopping when hungry is the WORST IDEA EVER!!! You end up wandering aimlessly in the isles, impulsively scooping whatever sounds good into your cart. And when you're hungry pretty much anything sounds good. "Ooooh, moldy socks sprinkled with dirt?! Yum!" Throws in cart.

Of course, then there's the unnecessarily painful checkout of costly food coming to a total of much more than you originally thought.

Cashier: That'll be $85.97

Me: Oh. Looks in wallet. I have $10, and, wait, uhh, 66 cents.

Cashier: Sorry, that's not enough.

Me: Wait, wait! Digs frantically in wallet as if more money has magically materialized since I last looked. What about a Border's gift card?

Cashier: ……

Me: Oh fine. I'll put it all back.

This is but one possible outcome. There is the chance that you have the money to buy everything, do so, take it home, and don't have the room to store it. It then remains sitting on the counter, mocking you and constantly reminding you of your pathetic moments of impulse. If you manage to actually find room in the cabinets to put everything away, you forget about the totally random cans of soup and bags of chips. They remain in this forgotten state until either freezer burn, mold, or staleness decides to step in, in which case the food is rendered useless and the money you spent is wasted.

So to save people from such horrible outcomes, I believe grocery stores should have a hunger sensor at the door that senses if you are hungry. If you are, the sensor would then begin omitting an annoying series of loud beeps and warnings. This is will either warn you of entering while hungry, or cause you to leave from sheer embarrassment at having caused such an annoying commotion. You know what? That is EXACTLY what we need. I should really patent these ideas.


  1. Amber, it is Harvest Foods now! ;)
    And I totally agree. Ever go to Costco and sample around multiple times? It's not so fun when they recognize you and then throw you some dirty looks. Not nice.

  2. Moldy socks are my favorite.
