Monday, May 9, 2011

Message of a Friend

This is Ambers highly intelligent , under ambitious friend who shall be named Poncho. Let me say over the past year I have observed Ambers over active obsessive need to be more than perfect in everday life. This has been rather entertaining to watch and at times very dangerous. However if Amber ever manages to capture the insane aspects of her eccentricities into a semi active blog then I would readily endorse that blog. However annoying at times, and even though she fails to understand that violence is not the answer, she is a talented writer with an interesting view of life. It is a little bit of a mystery as to whether Amber will keep her promise or whether, I, Pancho, hacker extrodinaire will have to make pick up the slack and make some posts myself. But chances are this blog will experience a sudden increase in posts per months.
So chances are if you've read this blog you know a little bit about Amber. Please allow a moment for my own totally sincere, humble, and un biased introduction. I am latin american with flowing black hair, that would be the envy of most any man. My dashing good looks are marred only by my irresistible charm, and an award winning sense of humor. and I have an affinity for masked affairs which is why I am called Pancho. I am the only person with male genitalia, to garner even the tiniest ounce of respect from McDaniel which is a nearly impossible task. I will always try represent the truth, to undermine Ambers opinion, and to annoy Amber by calling her a silly little girl at any available moment.
Viva la justicia

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