Monday, May 9, 2011

To Set the Record Straight...

Some of you may have recently read a post preceding this one written by my so called "friend." For the sake of this blog and his own humility, we'll leave his alias as Poncho. As much as I may hate to admit it, he is my friend, though I have yet to really discover why at times. Though his post was somewhat accurate, I feel the need to correct several things.

1. His grammar is atrocious! For someone who calls himself brilliant, he honestly does not know how to use punctuation very well. As chief of the grammar police, it was all I could do to the leave the post unedited for the sheer purpose of making fun of it later.

2. Going well with the topic above, Poncho described himself as "highly intelligent" and "under ambitious." The latter is true, however, I protest to the first. I cannot deny that Poncho is an intelligent individual, depending upon your definition of intelligent. He knows random facts that seem useless in life, yet somehow always manages to use them against me. Due to this, his is unbelievably and annoyingly good at making things up on the spot to make himself seem smart. However, he wastes this natural gift with laziness and complete lack of desire to succeed.

3. Did anyone notice he spelled his name two different ways? Poncho and Pancho? Well, which is it?! I've decided to keep it Poncho. Pancho reminds me too much of a combination between a poncho and panda. I imagine it to look something like this:

4. Poncho is clearly very humble don't you think? Not! Dashing good looks? More like overbearing vanity. Hair is the object of his obsession, whether it be his own or someone else's'.

These were just a few crucial facts I felt the need to share in order to fairly represent my humble friend Poncho, who likes to exaggerate things a bit to the max. Hopefully, any lack of posting on my part will not lead to his interference in my blog. If that happens, STOP READING! Who knows what could possibly come up if Poncho decides to begin posting on a regular basis. If nothing else, grammar-phobics like myself may simply be forced into a state of insanity.


  1. I love the idea of a panda shaped Poncho.

  2. keep posting please poncho! sanity is just too normal.
