Friday, May 20, 2011

I Can't Really Put a Title to This Post When It Talks About Nothing

So you know those times when you really, really want to be able to do something but you just can't? Well, that's how I feel right now. I really really want to do a blog post since I didn't last night, but at the current moment, I am lacking in time to write any of my awesome ideas that will most likely end up being very long researched posts. And by research, I mean telling myself that I'm doing research when I'm really just screwing around doing absolutely nothing.

You may be asking yourself where this post is going. The truth is, I have yet to decide where it is going. I'm rambling in hopes that my meaningless rants will magically transform into something that people want to read about. So far, I fail. Don't mistake me, I have a ton of blog ideas, but none that I have time to write about in the half hour time allotment I have before leaving for track Divisionals.

To some of you, a half hour may seem like plenty of time. But those of you who have ADHD or a terribly easily distracted mind like myself will understand how difficult it is. So instead, I'm writing this post, still hoping it will turn into something..... Nope, not yet.

I could turn this post into a stupid joke. What is the deal with boxing rings. They call them rings, but they're square! They're so... square? You see? This is exactly why I can't do stand up comedy.

Well, I'm gonna stop writing now before you all decide you hate me. If you guys already do, I don't blame you. I kind of hate myself for being so lame and unoriginal right now. I think I'll go punch someone to cheer me up. Maybe Poncho. That usually makes me feel pretty good about myself.

So yeah, that's really all I have to say. Sorry for wasting your guys' time. I'm just gonna go get on the bus now...

1 comment:

  1. Before you punch me to feel good let me just say that there were at least two obvious typos in that post. 2, from the same women who claims to be the grammar police. Well officer your under arrest. citizens arrest!
    In adoration of annoying citation
